Team Powder Applicator

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Introducing the

Team Powder Applicator

Developed in conjunction with Bayer Crop Science, the Team Powder Applicator (on-Planter) was designed by a Bayer engineer for the application of powder formulations to tubers before planting.

This simple, yet proven and reliable applicator is ideal for those wishing to maintain the flexibility of treating at the planting stage and require the use of a powder formulation such as Emesto Prime DS (penflufen) or RhiNo DS (flutolanil).

The design features the ‘Digimon’ control box with touch screen technology, which gives the options to select tuber size and weight, planter row setting, powder type e.g. Emesto Prime DS  or RhiNo DS and calibrates all hoppers within +/- 5% of the set output, allows output to be adjusted from 0.6kg/tonne upwards and can be fitted to all makes of cup or belt type planter.

Simple, proven and reliable.

  • Chemical transfer tube for reduced operator exposure and improved H&S
  • Increased output
  • Accuracy of powder application
  • Simple calibration
  • Ease of use
  • Powder coated chassis for chemical resistance
  • One hopper per row (2-row planter 2 hoppers), powder coated steel hoppers hold approximately 2 boxes of powder each. Supplied with fixing brackets
  • Powered by 12 Volt motors, steel augers meter the powder to the centre of the planter cups
  • After initial calibration the units will start/stop and alter speed automatically with the planter
  • Standard analogue control features: Output set @ 2Kg/ton, Prime function, DS or IM powder selection, Main power on/off, Quick release loom
  • Optional extra: Team Digimon control box.

The new application method has clearly proved itself because sample digs through the growing season have shown the planted tuber (having an easily recognisable pink coating), which has never been seen in previous years“.

Christopher Lee, P J Lee & Sons

Designed for accurate application


Hoppers min 4kg each
Motor 12V driving steel augers
Control In-cab variable rate calibration and automatic stop/start controls

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